Vedic Astrology
Accredited or Certification Training for Beginners and Professionals
Jaimini Scholar Programme
Starting May 2020
Full details available here.
Become a certified Jaimini Scholar. This is a 5 year program and covers the entire teaching of Maharishi Jaimini with extensive knowledge of remedies. This profound knowledge from a 500 year tradition has never been taught outside of a few Brahmin families in Orissa. The tradition was founded by Swami Achutyananda, one of the greatest astrologers who ever lived and one of the five Sakhas (‘friends’) of the great saint Chaitanya Mahaprabbhu. Now, thanks to Pandit Sanjay Rath, it is possible for people from all over the world to take this study. Numbers are limited. If you are interested in taking this course, the first step is to have a consultation with Dr. Andrew Foss.
Individual Tuition
Dr. Andrew Foss guides individuals at their own pace on a mutually agreed curriculum. Rates are reduced for a series of sessions. This is a special opportunity to learn from one of the most experienced and highly trained Vedic Astrologers who enjoys sharing his knowledge. He has recently given out many secrets about Vimshotttari Dasha, not to be found in any books or courses anywhere. Much more is yet to come. If you are interested in tuition, the first step is to have a consultation with Andrew.
This training can lead to certification by the British Association of Vedic Astrology, the American College of Vedic Astrology or the American Council of Vedic Astrology. Andrew also supervises graduate students studying for a Masters in Vedic Astrology from the Hindu University of America. This course is accredited by the State of Florida.
Photos from Andrew’s earlier courses.