Shri Jyoti Star has many pages you can fill with your content. you can access different pages using the Pages menu, the Pg buttons at the top and the PageUp and PageDown buttons on your keyboard. If you see a blank page, you may have shifted to a page you did not fill yet. It is also possible that the software can’t find the layout file you were previously using. Please see the screenshots below the videos for how to see what file you are currently using and how to change it or load a backup file.
Learn how to easily fill a blank page or edit a page (first video below). Also, how to manage the size of text in tables and charts and more (second video below). These videos apply to all versions of Shri Jyoti Star, especially 7, 9 and 10.

Use Open Layouts File (see above) to see what layout files are available in the default location (you can keep them elsewhere or may have moved one or more). To see and open a layouts backup file, change the bottom right choice in the open dialog as illustrated below.