Data Locations in Shri Jyoti Star 10

Learn about where data for Shri Jyoti Star 10 and earlier versions is stored and how to manage it including backup and syncing between devices. Watch our new video. Click the New Videos button below for a dedicated video on syncing/sharing data. More New Videos Click...

Sade Sati and Saturn Ingress Report

Now you can see 15 years of Saturn’s Ingresses with much useful information about each year. See if it is Sadi Sate, Kantaka or an Upachaya (growth) transit.  Find out if Saturn is entering a sign with low Ashtakavarga both in its Ashtakavarga and the...

New Dasha: Padanathamsa

The usually secret PadaNathAmsha Dasha, sometimes called Padanadhamsa or Padanadhvamsa, is now available in Shri Jyoti Star V9. This is a rashi or sign dasha related to Narayana or Chara Dasha and derived from the Maharishi Jaimini Upadesha Sutras. It is based on the...